Please check the following
- {{object.title}} {{object.errors.join(', ')}}
- Invoice Line №{{$index + 1}}: {{invoice_line.errors}}
Product/Service | Quantity | Cost | Price |
{{invoice.currency | sym}} {{(invoice_line.quantity * invoice_line.unit_cost) | currency}} | |||
+ Add line |
Remittance advice
Terms & Conditions
Frequently Asked Questions

If you need to change your logo at anytime click the +image icon at the top right hand corner of Invoice Builder then select a .jpg or .png file from your desktop/mobile and upload it.
The old logo will be deleted and replaced with the new one. We take care of all formatting and resizing so that your logo fits neatly into the available space.
No. Once an invoice has been deleted from our servers it is gone forever.
Make sure you have created a local backup copy of an invoice if you think you will need it at a later date but want to remove it from our service. It is easy to export an invoice as a PDF at any time.
No. You can edit and change what’s on invoices to suit your own needs. We will not add anything you can’t edit or remove.
Please note: Some browsers will impose headers and footers on your printed form, which must be de-activated by yourself.
In Chrome: Print → More Settings → Uncheck ‘Headers & Footers’
In Safari: Print → Show details → Uncheck ‘Headers & Footers’
In Internet Explorer: Print → Turn off ‘Headers & Footers’
Access to saved invoices is controlled by a ‘cookie’ (a small piece of information stored on your computer which lets ' know who you are). This cookie saves you having to create an account with
If you can’t see saved invoices, it is probably because the cookie has been deleted. But your invoices are still in
To see them just open an email about a previous invoice and click to see your invoices. This will put the cookie on your computer, and you’ll be able to see all saved invoices again.
If you’ve deleted emails from us, create a new invoice and click on the email you get when the invoice is sent. This will also set the cookie up.
If you are still having trouble, email us and we’ll fix it.